joe siracusa theatre man

Shakespeare's work is for everybody. Ergo, I have taken the liberty to try to make it appeal to a broad public. It is exciting to see inner city public school children and people usually intimidated by the Bard's words, enjoy a difficult piece like HAMLET.
Moments cannot be purchased. They are the treasures in life. So deeply, it is my humble honor to be invited as a guest artist to so many unforgettable places, in so many unthinkable situations, with such special glorious people.
joe s. has worked in theatre with prominent organizations and in collaboration with a wide range of entities worldwide. The list includes the governments of Holland, Germany, Italy and Spain. The City of Berlin, City of Amsterdam, City of Dusseldorf, City of Cologne, City of Frankfurt, City of Barcelona, City of Atlanta, The Bureau du Quebec, The Belgian Consulate General, The Cultural Senate of Berlin, The Goethe Institute, The Island of Texel, The State of New York, The City of Miami, Miami Dade County. The "Special Olympics" in Atlanta and Los Angeles and more.
His shows and work, by invitation, were presented for the BONN 2000 year celebration, 750 Years of Berlin and The World Congress in Berlin. His theatre has played in nearly 300 cities in Europe, the U.S. and Canada.

joe s. has taught theatre & produced many projects in education. He has taught at Cornell University, Wells College, International Fine Arts College, New World School for the Arts, University of Miami, Miami International University of Art and Design (Ai Miami), The Freie Universitat Berlin, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and many schools with students of all ages and skill levels.


-NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS Awarded the one grant nationwide for a multiple discipline theatre project. Created and directed MARTY THE MANATEE. TV prototype for a puppet variety show in English, Spanish and Portuguese at New World School of the Arts (Miami) Dean of Theatre Jorge Guerra Castro.

-DRAMATIST GUILD OF AMERICA Times Square, NY. The Frederick Lowe Room. Invitaton to direct TENNESSEE'S FINAL CURTAIN by Joe Paprzycki with composer Emmett Van Slyke for a private performance celebrating the 25 Year Anniversary of the death of Tennessee Williams.

-ART BASIL MIAMI Inaugeral Year. Large scale outdoor-indoor event with Miami International University of Art & Design and Mayor Manny Diaz.

-OVER 100 PERFORMANCES of original Shakespeare adaptation in prestigious venues. I AM HAMLET written, directed and produced by joe s.

-41 OUT OF 42 THEATRES IN AMSTERDAM presented work of joe s. directing several theatre companies.


Joe also worked and studied with Lee Miller in "Live" network television. He is working to broadcast theatre "Live" over the Internet.

-CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT   Karen Kosko Romeo & Juliet with The Shakespeare Club.

-100 OPERA SINGERS MACBETH - Judith Ranaletta Greece Athena High School a leading performing arts school in New York State.

-SEVERAL DUO SHAKESPEARE WORKSHOPS at Cornell University - Professor Catherine Burroughs and Professor John Robbins OTHELLO, HAMLET, ROMEO & JULIET and MACBETH.

ALSO, Wells College/Cornell University OTHELLO in 5 languages, Arabic, Urdu, Japanese, Spanish and English.

-INTERNATIONAL COKE COLA COMMERCIAL (Amsterdam) Lead Part. James and Perkins Agency aired in 17 countries.

-WAR REFUGEES FROM BEIRUT (Berlin) Landmark theatre education workshop.

-SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN (NY State) Cayuga Home For Children. Laurie Bushman, Special Activities Director.

-MARTHA'S VINEYARD Regional High School Shakespeare, acting and puppet workshops.

-KATHERINE CORNELL THEATRE (Martha's Vineyard) Special performance for writers with open forum on writing for the theatre after the show with joe s.

-MARTHA'S VINEYARD 4th of July Parade with GIANT 12' Feet Tall Shakespeare Puppet and performance of  original adaptation kid's show A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S ICE CREAM

-MACBETH KENDALL MUSIC STUDIOS (Miami) with Tannia Laracuente. Some children with autism and down syndrome.


-PUBLIC SCHOOL #192 BUFFALO ACADEMY OF VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS. Field trip for private performance and workshop I AM HAMLET


-TARRAGON THEATRE TORONTO - Leading theatre in Canada for original works. Production of I AM HAMLET

-BOSTON CENTER FOR THE ARTS - Two engagements. I AM HAMLET. One with David Amram on Halloween.

Door #1_Some like it hot FLASHPOINT
Door #2 FIRE QUEEN Play With Fire!
Both ways you get a tiger.